Area Attractions

Why spend more at a resort, when you can get the comfort of a hotel room and the convenience of an in town location with A & L Inn.

Here are just a few of the nearby tourist attractions that can be experienced when staying on Tortola. Most are just a short walk from A & L Inn.

1. Botanical Gardens (walking distance)

The Botanical Gardens is a beautiful display of indigenous and exotic plants. It is also a peaceful and relaxing resting stop to enjoy a wonderful sunny day.

2. Crafts Alive Market (walking distance)

Crafts Alive Market is located in Road Town and is filled with shopping opportunities. It designed in a nostalgic West Indian style setting and offers a variety of jewelry, local art, souvenirs, herbs and spices and much more.

3. Main Street & Waterfront Drive (walking distance)

Main Street and Waterfront Drive offer a diverse array of shopping surprises and wonderful restaurants and eateries.

4. August Festival Activities (walking distance)

In late July and early August of each year there are two weeks of festival activities to celebrate the B.V.I. people’s emancipation from slavery. There is lots of local and regional entertainment, and is highlighted with a cultural parade which displays a colorful array of costumes and floats.

5. Dolphin Discovery (20 min walk)

Swim with the dolphins, an experience of a lifetime.

6. Cane Garden Bay Beach (10 min drive)

One of our best beaches in the British Virgin Islands. It also has many restaurants and bars that are located on the beach.

7. Old Government House Museum

Once the Governor’s residence, this stately colonial building constructed in 1924 is perched over looking Road Harbour. It is open for tours and houses a small museum.